
Heninger Garrison Davis, LCC FAQ | Who Can File a Corporate Whistleblower or Retaliation Claim in Alabama?

Who Can File a Corporate Whistleblower or Retaliation Claim in Alabama?

What happens if you learn that your employer is engaging in some type of illegal or dangerous activity? You may be understandably nervous about taking action against your employer, especially during these uncertain economic times. You do not have to go through the corporate whist...

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How an Attorney can Help a Whistleblower

A whistleblower is someone who makes people aware of illegal actions that are taking place within a business or government agency. The person who blows the whistle has witnessed these illegal actions and is making them known because he or she wants them to come to a stop while ha...

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What Does it Mean to be a Whistleblower?

By HGD StaffHave you heard the term ‘whistleblower' before? If so, you have likely heard stories in the news recently or seen movies about whistleblowers. The most simple definition of a whistleblower is someone who discovers unethical or illegal practices at their p...

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