
Is My Personal Injury Serious Enough for an Alabama Lawsuit?
Personal injury accidents, including car accidents and slip and fall accidents, are far too common. These types of accidents can happen anywhere and cause severe injuries. Every year, just under 100 million Americans visit an emergency room for an unintentional injury. The number...
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Personal Injury Law FAQ
Personal injury accidents can happen to nearly anyone. One minute you could be running errands or commuting to work, and the next minute you are facing devastating injuries. From slip and fall accidents to car accidents, personal injuries can occur anywhere. Personal injury law a...
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How Much is My Personal Injury Lawsuit Worth
If you have been injured in a car accident, workplace accident, or any other type of accident, you may be wondering whether you have a right to compensation. Under Alabama law, personal injury victims have a right to hold the person or company who acted negligently accountable fo...
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How to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Alabama
If you or your loved one has been injured in a car accident, work-related accident, or any other type of accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Under Alabama law, victims of personal injury accidents have a right to file a lawsuit against the person or company whose negli...
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What Does Negligence Mean, And How Do I Prove it?
If you have been injured in a serious personal injury accident caused by someone else, you may be wondering if you have a claim to compensation. Under Alabama law, victims of personal injury accidents have a right to sue the person whose negligence caused their injuries for damag...
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Have You Been Injured by Botox or Myobloc Injections?
Botox injections have become more popular than ever to reduce wrinkles. Unfortunately, Botox injections have also been associated with multiple deaths. Some health advocacy groups are calling for Botox injections to receive a mandatory “black box” warning by the Food...
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Why Does the Law Compensate Personal Injury Victims
When someone causes harm to another person, the law must somehow resolve the situation peacefully. A lot of Americans mistakenly believe that lawsuits are somehow inherently wrong or improper. In truth, they are in our Bill of Rights. To better understand how personal injury law...
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